Hello! My name is Anwar Shafiev and I welcome you on my personal web site! This site is mostly dedicated to me, to my family and friends, to my professional activities and hobbies.
I am a Software Architect and Engineer with almost 20 years of experience in the commercial software industry. I started to write my first programs in Basic, then using Assembler, Pascal, and C/C++. I have created a lot of diverse applications like low level device drivers, scientific applications, and large enterprise systems. My current activities are related to the development of the distributed P2P Application Server working with a very large MySQL database. I always try to use the most efficient technologies in the software development to achieve best results. I often face with very complex problems when finding a solution is not a trivial task. Whenever possible, I’m trying to document all tips and tricks. Here on my site you can find a very small part of them. Most of my Articles I write about related topics, e.g: Programming, Debugging, Databases, Design, Technologies, etc.
I also work as an independent consultant in the area of the Code Review and Analysis (C++, C#), complex Debugging techniques, Performance Optimization, Design and Optimization of very large Databases (MS SQL Server and MySQL).
If you have any questions or suggestions don’t hesitate to CONTACT me.
Since many years I am a Microsoft Certified Professional.